Missions - World Bible School
For the past 14 years, NCC Elders David Enlow and Johnnie Pilgrim have served as the coordinators of Foreign Missions for the Newnan body. This ministry focuses on meeting the unique needs of missionaries abroad, from getting their work established to helping in their successful continuance in spreading the Gospel of peace.

David and Johnnie have been charged with the task of receiving requests made of our congregation for funding and start-up support by those among the brotherhood of the churches of Christ who desire to spend designated amounts of time working for the universal growth of God’s church all over the earth, and evaluating these requests for future inclusion into our congregation’s budget. Over the years, we have tried to enhance communication between our missionaries and families we have supported and to provide timely updates to the members at Newnan regarding their work and families they touch in their communities of involvement.

David and Johnnie have served as liaisons for missionaries we support in such things as communication of their personal, financial, emotional, and spiritual support that they need and have helped in the financial fundraising that occurs on their behalf. This is often accomplished through bulletin boards, newsletters given them from those we support, personal letters they write, phone calls, emails, and on occasion, personal visits to the site where works are taking place. As a part of this outreach, the two have also assisted in making occasional travel arrangements for those we support to come home to visit and share with all of us their experiences abroad and in making arrangements for NCC representatives to go to their place of ministry to evaluate and offer encouragement. It is David and Johnnie’s wish that this congregation grows to such an extent that its yearly budgetary outlay can contain 50% of its allocation to help spread the Gospel throughout the world.

It has been such a blessing for them to see how God has used some of the families we, as a body, have supported over the years to help His kingdom grow: John and Denise Kashorek (church plant in upstate New York); Randy and Judy Dean (Romania); O’Neal Tankersley (Kenya); Mack and Amy McFarland (Memphis Inner City); the Derry, N.H. church plant; Jeremy and Rachel Luallen (Scotland church plant); Ryan and Amanda Gray (Mexico City church plants); Dan Jarrett (various campaigns); Greg and Mary Swindoll (African missions); Bren and Cheryl White (Operation French World Missions); Atlanta Inner City ministry; various youth interns and special projects; and now the support of the Las Delicius church in Honduras and the support of Salvador Cariaga in his multiple Philippine ministries.
NCC Current Mission Efforts - Long Term
Youth Internships

Las Delicias Church of Christ
(Las Delicias Minister and Family – Enrique,Wilson,Iris,Lohani)

Philippine Ministry of Salvador Cariaga
(Philippines Missions – Salvador Cariaga)

Living Hope for Honduras supplies and manpower
(Hope for Honduras – Girl’s Home)